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Version: 1.18.x

World Types

Skyblock Builder introduces not one, but two unique world types for you to explore!


The first world type, Skyblock, allows you to customize your starting island.
This world type is fully configurable, and all options apply exclusively to this mode.

You can use the Skyblock world type on servers or enable it in the forge-common.toml file under the key:



The second world type, Skylands, features floating islands surrounded by endless skies.
Currently, this mode is mainly experimental and does not include any configuration options.

Skylands is inspired by mods like SkyLandsForge,
with world generation based on the Aether mod for Fabric, Paradise Lost.

The Paradise Lost mod is licensed under the MIT License.

To use the Skylands world type on servers or in forge-common.toml, use the key:
