Own Team

The "Own Team" interface allows you to manage your team. You’ll find these sections:
The Spawns section lets you display your team's spawn points, similar to the command /skyblock spawns
. Selecting
this option will create green happy villager particles at each spawn location.
The particles may not be visible if the spawn points are underground or blocked by other obstacles.
This button adds a spawn point at the position specified in the text box below.
By default, the spawn point will be set to your current location.
This button removes the spawn point specified in the text box below.
The Show button displays a list of all current team members. If you have the necessary permissions (which all members have by default), you can remove players from the team—including yourself.
This button shows a list of online players who are not in any team. You can use it to send them an invitation to join your team.
Check this box to allow or prevent other players from visiting your island.
Join Requests​
Check this box to enable or disable requests from other players to join your team.
Leave Team​
Click this button to leave your team. You'll need to confirm your decision before leaving.