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Version: 1.16.x


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Mining in batches is possible and handy in some cases. This mod allows it!

How to Use​

  1. Select the correct tool (can be disabled in config).
  2. Press the key for mining multiple blocks (default: left Alt).
  3. Hold the key and mine the targeted blocks.

The key is called Multimine in the category Excavar.

Client Config​

ConfigurationDescriptionDefault Value
onlyWhileSneakingYou can set if the multimine action can only be used while sneaking.false
preventToolsBreakingYou can set if tools should be prevented from breaking. This will stop the mining if the tool reaches 1 durability.true

Common Config​

  • You can set the block limit for how many blocks should be mined at once - blockLimit (default: 16).
  • You can decide if the player needs a tool that affects block drops - requiresCorrectTool (default: true). The player will still be able to mine logs by hand, but stone will need a pickaxe (or other valid tool).
