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Version: 1.21.x


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Mining in batches is possible and handy in some cases. This mod allows it!

How to Use

  1. Select the correct tool (can be disabled in config).
  2. Press the key for mining multiple blocks (default: left Alt).
  3. Hold the key and mine the targeted blocks.

The key is called Multimine in the category Excavar.

Additional Features

As shown in this image, you'll see a preview of targeted blocks. This highlighting may be incorrect if you have an enchantment like Unbreaking on your tool.

Additionally, you see the "Selected shape" is set to "Shapeless". Shapes can be added by other mods. Built-in the mod, there are two different shapes:

  • Shapeless
    • Searches for any block around it.
  • Tunnel
    • Searches only in the direction you're facing the block at.

Switching the shape can be done by holding the Multimine button (default: left Alt) while sneaking and scrolling.

Client Config

ConfigurationDescriptionDefault Value
onlyWhileSneakingYou can set if the multimine action can only be used while sneaking.false
preventToolsBreakingYou can set if tools should be prevented from breaking. This will stop the mining if the tool reaches 1 durability.true
enableOutlineYou can set if the outline (see image) should be rendered.true
considerDurabilityYou can choose if durability should be considered for highlighting. This causes the highlighting to stop after the item would break. May be inaccurate with some enchantments.false

Server Config

The server config file is stored in each world separately. You can find it after creating/joining the world in .minecraft/saves/<world name>/serverconfig/excavar-server.toml. If you want to provide a default config for each world (maybe for modpacks), put that file with changed values in .minecraft/defaultconfigs/.

KeyDefault ValueDescription
blockLimit16You can set the block limit for how many blocks should be mined at once.
xpUsage0Defines how many XP points are used for one block or executed action (see xpUsageType).
xpUsageTypePER_ACTIONDefines how XP points are deducted, e.g., per block or per action.
Allowed values: PER_ACTION and PER_BLOCK
hungerUsage0.005Specifies how much food exhaustion is caused by mining one block. Default value is the vanilla amount.
requiresCorrectTooltrueDetermines if the player needs a tool that affects block drops. Players can mine logs by hand, but stone will require a pickaxe (or another valid tool).
disableDiagonalsfalseDecides if diagonal blocks (when using shapeless) are ignored. Example: Blocks like magenta glass around the targeted block may be included.
allowShapeSelectiontrueDetermines if the player is allowed to change the shape described in How to Use.
fistForbiddenfalseIf set to true, when the player holds no item, multi-mining is disabled.
invertForbiddenTagfalseInverts the block tag excavar:forbidden_blocks to allow only specific blocks.
allowedBlocksALLSelects the allowed blocks for mining. Values: ALL (all blocks), ORES (blocks with tag #forge:ores), LOGS (blocks with tag #minecraft:logs), and ORES_AND_LOGS (combination of both).
forbiddenItemsDefines a list of tools that cannot be used with Excavar. You can use * as a wildcard (e.g., "minecraft:*_pickaxe" disables all vanilla pickaxes).
Diagonals Enabled (default)Diagonals Disabled

Forbidden Blocks

The excavar:forbidden_blocks tag is used to specify blocks that Excavar will ignore. This means players cannot multi-mine blocks with this tag.

If the invertForbiddenTag option is enabled, only the blocks with this tag will be mineable.
