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Version: 1.18.x

Data Trader

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Defining Trades​

File Structure​

The trader can use an ID to identify merchant offers' "recipes". This is a list of individual merchant offers. An example file might look like this:

"Recipes": [
"buy": {
"item": "minecraft:diamond",
"count": 3
"buyB": {
"item": "minecraft:wooden_pickaxe"
"sell": {
"item": "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe",
"nbt": "{Damage:0,Enchantments:[{id:\"minecraft:efficiency\",lvl:2},{id:\"minecraft:unbreaking\",lvl:10}]}"
"uses": 10,
"maxUses": 50,
"rewardExp": false,
"xp": 0,
"priceMultiplier": 0.0,
"specialPrice": 0,
"demand": 0

This example includes only one merchant offer. The trader will sell the item specified in sell. The player needs to provide the items in buy and buyB to receive the sold item.

  • maxUses: The number of times the trade can be used before the trader needs to restock.
  • rewardExp: If true, the player will receive 3 to 6 XP points for each trade.
  • xp: The amount of XP the trader receives. This is unused here since the trader doesn't level up.
  • priceMultiplier: Used to calculate the price for the item count in buy.
  • specialPrice: May increase or decrease the price.
  • demand: Also influences the price for the item count in buy.

Required Values:​

  • buy
  • sell

Default Values:​

NameDefault Value

Where to Put It​

You need to use a data pack to provide these files. They should be placed at <modid>/merchant_offers/. An example can be found here.

How to Use​

You can spawn the trader using the /summon command or by using a spawn egg. After spawning, you can set the recipe with the command /datatrader setOffer @e <modid>:<path>. This can also be done through data packs. For a normal trader, it is recommended to set NoAI to true.