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Version: 1.18.x

Simple Backups

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This mod is designed to create and manage backups for your Minecraft server. You can specify the number of backups to keep and set a maximum storage limit. Older backups are automatically deleted to free up space.

Automatic Backup Creation

The mod automatically creates backups during server operation under the following conditions:

  1. Backup Trigger: A backup is created if:
    • There is at least one player online.
    • No players are online, but someone has just logged out.
  2. Player Logouts: If the last player logs out, a backup will be made when the server next checks.

This ensures that your world is backed up regularly and reliably, even during player logouts. The backup timer is based on real-time, so a lagging server will not extend the interval.


Manual Backup

The /simplebackups backup start <quiet (true/false)> command starts a backup manually. Optionally, you can use the quiet parameter to suppress in-game chat messages.

Merge Incremental Backups

The /simplebackups mergeBackups command merges all incremental backups located in the output directory, which is defined by the outputPath configuration setting. By default, this is the simplebackups directory, but it can be changed according to user preference.



If enabled in the configuration simplebackups-common.toml, all backup notifications will also be sent to Discord.


onlyModifiedWhether to back up only changed files.falseUseful for large worlds, but requires old backups for a complete restoration.
backupsToKeepMaximum number of backup files to retain.10
timerInterval between two backups (in minutes).1205 for every 5 minutes, 60 for every hour, 1440 for daily backups.
sendMessagesWhether to send messages when a backup is performed.true
maxDiskSizeMaximum disk space available for backups. Old files are deleted when exceeded.25 GBAccepts formats like 10 MB, 50 GB.
outputPathDirectory path where backups are stored.simplebackups
mc2discordWhether to send backup notifications to Discord using the Mc2Discord mod.true