Extra Disks
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The contents of the mod can be divided into three main categories: Crafting Ingredients, Block Storage, and Disk Storage.
As of 29.12.2024, Refined Storage 2 (which is required for 1.21+) is only available on its GitHub Repo.
You want to download the latest NeoForge release to use with Extra Disks.
Disk Storage​
The primary storage solution, and the best known, is the disk. It functions similarly to Refined Storage but with larger storage capacities.
Block Storage​
The secondary storage solution. It can be used like a regular block and doesn't require a drive. It is similar to Refined Storage but with larger storage capacities. As in Refined Storage, you can adjust the power consumption in the mod's server configuration within the world directory.
Crafting Ingredients​
There are a few additional crafting ingredients because, with great power, comes great responsibility.
Storage Sizes​
Item Storage​
Tier | Storable Items |
256k | 256,000 |
1024k | 1,024,000 |
4096k | 4,096,000 |
16384k | 16,384,000 |
65536k | 65,536,000 |
262m | 262,144,000 |
1048m | 1,048,576,000 |
Infinite | Unlimited |
Fluid Storage​
Tier | Storable Fluid (in mB) |
16384k | 16,384,000 |
65536k | 65,536,000 |
262kB | 262,144,000 |
1048kB | 1,048,576,000 |
Infinite | Unlimited |
You will receive an advancement for crafting the highest-capacity item or fluid storage disk/block.