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Version: 1.21.x

Creating Issues

If you encounter any issues with Skyblock Builder or have suggestions for new features, you can use the GitHub link below to report them: Skyblock Builder Issues

Reporting Bugs​

Standard Bug Report​

To report a bug manually, use the "Bug Report (Manual Mode)" template available via the GitHub link above. When submitting your report, please include the following details:

  1. A title that summarizes the issue.
  2. The Minecraft version where the issue occurs.
  3. The versions of the following: LibX, Skyblock Builder, and Forge.
  4. The latest.log file.
  5. A detailed description of the issue.
  6. Step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the bug.

If the issue happens only in a modpack, include:

  • A link to the modpack and the exact version you're using.
  • If the modpack is not publicly released, provide an exported version with the most important configuration files.

Need to share sensitive information privately? Join the Discord server πŸ”— and send a direct message to @MelanX.

Dump Report​

Using the command /skydev dump, making bug reports is easier. Running it opens a screen where you can customize what data to include in the dump file. Dump Screen
(The red outlined option is only visible to operators)

ConfigsIncludes all Skyblock Builder configuration files.
Templates and SpreadsIncludes files from the config/skyblockbuilder/templates directory.
level.datAdds the level.dat file of the current world.
latest.logIncludes the latest.log file, which contains chat messages and may include sensitive information like IP addresses.
crash-<latest>.txtIncludes the most recent crash report (only select this if the crash is related to the issue).
Skyblock Data FileAdds world/data/skyblockbuilder/main.dat, which stores team metadata, island positions, and more.
Create Dump on ServerEnsures the dump file is created on the server (useful for server-side issues).

Click the "Create Dump" button to generate a ZIP file, located in <instance>/skyblockbuilder/dumps. The generated file name will appear in the chat, and clicking it will open the folder.

When submitting a dump report, use the "Bug Report (Dump Mode)" template and include:

  1. The Minecraft version.
  2. The generated dump file.
  3. A detailed description of the issue.
  4. Steps on how to reproduce.

If the problem occurs in a modpack, include the same information as a standard bug report (modpack link and version or an exported modpack if it’s unreleased).

Sensitive information? Share it privately via Discord πŸ”— by messaging @MelanX.

Requesting Features​

To suggest new features, use the "Feature Request" template. Please note:

  • New features are generally added only in the latest mod version.
  • Major features that require extensive code changes may be implemented in the next major Minecraft version.