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Version: 1.21.x


This section provides instructions for players on managing their teams, teleportation, and invitations.

Create Team​

You can create your own team by using /sky create <name> command. If you don't provide a name, a random one will be generated.


After creating a team, you will automatically join it. You cannot belong to more than one team.


There are cooldowns for all three types of teleportation. It's not one cooldown for all types, but one for each.


You can teleport to your team’s island using /sky home.


To teleport back to the spawn hub, use /sky spawn.


You can visit other teams’ islands by using /sky visit <name> where name is the team name you want to visit.


Island visits are only possible if the team allows visitors.

Manage Team​

The commands below let you manage your team effectively, including spawn positions, invites, and team settings.

Leave Team​

If you wish to leave your team, you can use /sky leave.


When you leave, you may lose all your inventory items, depending on the server's configuration. You will also be teleported to spawn. If you are the last remaining member, the team may be forever gone.

Rename Team​

You can rename your team by running /sky team rename <new_name> where new_name the desired new name for your team is.

/sky team rename "Awesome Team"

This renames your team to "Awesome Team".

Edit Spawn Positions​

Spawn positions can be managed to define specific locations for teleporting or team member respawn points.

You can use /sky team addSpawn <pos> to add a position as valid spawn position. If you don't provide a position, your current location will be used.

/sky team removeSpawn <pos> will try to remove the position from the valid spawn positions. If none is provided, your current location will be used.


If you or someone else totally messed up, use /sky team resetSpawns to restore the original spawn positions.

This cannot be reverted

Team Settings​

You can toggle specific settings for your team to allow or restrict specific interactions.

Toggle Visitors
/sky team toggleAllowVisit [true|false]
Toggle Join Requests
/sky team toggleAllowRequest [true|false]

Join Requests​

If a team allows players to send join requests, you can use /sky join <team_name> to send such a join request.

The team can manually accept or deny these requests.


/sky team accept <player> accepts a join request by that player.

/sky team deny <player> rejects a join request on the other hand.


Sending Invitations​

If you are part of a team and want to invite a player to join, use /sky invite <player>.

The invited player will receive a message with instructions to accept or decline the invitation. The invitation remains until the player responds.

Accept Invitation​

If you’ve been invited to a team, you can accept the invitation by using /sky accept <team_name>.


You can only join one team. Ensure you don’t already belong to another before accepting.

Decline Invitation​

To decline an invitation, use /sky decline <team_name>

Declining an invitation simply removes the pending invite from your list.


/sky create <name>Creates and joins a new team with optional name
/sky leaveLeaves your current team (may lose inventory items)
/sky team rename <new_name>Renames your current team
/sky homeTeleports to your team's island
/sky spawnTeleports to the spawn hub
/sky visit <name>Visits another team's island (if allowed)
/sky team addSpawn <pos>Adds a spawn position (uses current location if unspecified)
/sky team removeSpawn <pos>Removes a spawn position (uses current location if unspecified)
/sky team resetSpawnsResets all spawn positions to default (irreversible)
/sky team toggleAllowVisit [true|false]Toggles whether other players can visit your island
/sky team toggleAllowRequest [true|false]Toggles whether players can request to join your team
/sky join <team_name>Sends a request to join a team
/sky team accept <player>Accepts a player's request to join your team
/sky team deny <player>Denies a player's request to join your team
/sky invite <player>Invites a player to join your team
/sky accept <team_name>Accepts an invitation to join a team
/sky decline <team_name>Declines an invitation to join a team