Server Admin
The most important thing first:
Managing Teams​
To create a team with a specific name, use the command: /skydev manage teams create <name>
. This will create a team
without anybody joining the team.
If no name is provided, a random name will be generated.
There's also a command /skydev manage teams createAndJoin <name>
. This may be used to create a team and instantly
joining them. This could be used to force a player into a new team using
/execute as @p run skydev manage teams createAndJoin
To delete a team with a specific name, use the command: /skydev manage teams delete <name>
This action is irreversible. The island will remain, but cannot be re-bound to a new team. All users in the team will be teleported to spawn after dropping all their items.
Since teams can be empty, you can "clear" all islands. To delete all empty teams, use:
/skydev manage teams clear
Refer to Deleting Teams for more information.
If you use /skydev manage teams clear <name>
with a name provided, all players in that team will be removed and
teleported to spawn island.
Modify Existing Teams​
Add Players​
You may add players to a team using /skydev manage addPlayer <players> <name>
to add one or more players to a team
with that name. If a player already has a team, you should kick them first, or just ignore that they are not being
Kick Players​
In some situations, you may want to kick a player since banning is not enough. Maybe they still have some items from the
team members, who knows. You that, you may use /skydev manage kickPlayer <players>
Rename Teams​
In some cases, users are funny and give teams inappropriate names. To change them instead of deleting them, use
/sky team rename <new_name> <team_name>
. If you forgot to provide a team name, your team will be renamed.
Reset Spawns​
If you feel like someone is abusing the team spawn positions, you may reset their spawns to the default ones using
/sky team resetSpawns <team_name>
Change Default Template​
In some cases, you may want to give the players other templates. For changing the template that is used when creating a
new team, you may want to use /skydev manage islandShape <name>
. This will change the current template to the other
one. New teams will use this template.
Command | Description |
/skydev manage teams create <name> | Creates a new team with the specified name (or random if omitted) |
/skydev manage teams createAndJoin <name> | Creates a new team and joins it immediately |
/skydev manage teams delete <name> | Deletes a team permanently |
/skydev manage teams clear | Removes all empty teams |
/skydev manage teams clear <name> | Removes all players from a specific team |
/skydev manage addPlayer <players> <name> | Adds one or more players to a specified team |
/skydev manage kickPlayer <players> | Kicks specified players from their team |
/sky team rename <new_name> <team_name> | Renames a team (omit team_name to rename your own team) |
/sky team resetSpawns <team_name> | Resets a team's spawn points to default positions |
/skydev manage islandShape <name> | Changes the default template for new islands |