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Version: 1.21.x

Useful Commands


The /skydev convert command in the code is used to convert files between .nbt and .snbt formats. It scans the convert input directory for these file types. .nbt files will be converted to .snbt and vice versa. The output is in the convert output directory.

This command is best used for converting template files if you didn't set the config when exporting correctly.

Export Inventory​

The /skydev inventory export command is used to export the current inventory for use as starting inventory.


The /locate spread <team> [spread] command is used to locate the spreads of a team. If no spread name is provided, it will locate all spreads.


This command extends the vanilla /locate command and does not begin with /skyblock!


The /sky spawns command shows particles at each spawn position of your current team. Additionally, a list with the exact positions is printed in the chat.


The /skydev generate template [pos] [border] [spreads] command is used to generate a template from the template list. If no position is provided, your current position will be used. border is a boolean that defines whether the surrounding blocks should be generated or not. By default, they will not be generated. spreads is a boolean that defines whether the spreads should be generated or not. By default, they will not be generated.

Dump Screen​

The command /skydev dump simply opens the dump screen. This is used for creating issues.

Dump Screen


/skydev convertConverts files between .nbt and .snbt formats
/skydev inventory exportExports current inventory for use as starting inventory
/locate spread <team> [spread]Locates the spreads of a team (vanilla /locate extension)
/sky spawnsShows particles at each spawn position of your current team
/skydev generate template [pos] [border] [spreads]Generates a template from the template list
/skydev dumpOpens the dump screen for creating issue reports