Custom Dimensions
If you want to add more dimensions or keep default world gen, you may add custom dimensions where the player should play in a skyblock like world. This may be achieved by adding new dimensions using the structure shown below. For each of the vanilla dimensions, there is one pre-defined json pattern. Use the one you'd like to use.
On the left, you may find the default dimension setting for the overworld. Use this to create overworld-like skyblock
dimensions. On the right side, there's the custom biome source used for [centered biomes](this is a broken link). This
may be used if the parent preset is minecraft:overworld
or minecraft:nether
only. It may work with some modded biome
sources as well, but only if they are an instance of MultiNoiseBiomeSource
. That means, you may also use it in
The Nether.
"type": "minecraft:overworld",
"generator": {
"biome_source": {
"preset": "minecraft:overworld",
"type": "minecraft:multi_noise"
"settings": "minecraft:overworld",
"dimension": "minecraft:overworld",
"type": "skyblockbuilder:noise_based"
"type": "minecraft:overworld",
"generator": {
"biome_source": {
"center_biome": [
"id": "minecraft:plains",
"radius": 64
"parent": {
"preset": "minecraft:overworld"
"type": "skyblockbuilder:sky"
"settings": "minecraft:overworld",
"dimension": "minecraft:overworld",
"type": "skyblockbuilder:noise_based"
The Nether​
This is the configuration for a voided nether.
"type": "minecraft:the_nether",
"generator": {
"biome_source": {
"preset": "minecraft:nether",
"type": "minecraft:multi_noise"
"settings": "minecraft:nether",
"dimension": "minecraft:the_nether",
"type": "skyblockbuilder:noise_based"
The End​
"type": "minecraft:the_end",
"generator": {
"biome_source": {
"type": "minecraft:the_end"
"settings": "minecraft:end",
"dimension": "minecraft:the_end",
"type": "skyblockbuilder:the_end"