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Version: 1.21.x


Here, you have a quick overview over all the directories added by Skyblock Builder.

Modpack Folder
├── config
│ ├── skyblockbuilder
│ │ ├── data
│ │ └── templates
│ │ ├── icons
│ │ ├── islands
│ │ ├── portals
│ │ └── spreads
├── skyblockbuilder
│ ├── convert_input
│ ├── convert_output
│ ├── dumps
│ └── exports

Convert Input​

In the skyblockbuilder/convert_input folder, you may put all .nbt or .snbt files you want to convert.

Convert Output​

In the skyblockbuilder/convert_output folder, every converted file will be saved.


The skyblockbuilder/dumps folder is the destination of all your created dump report files.


The skyblockbuilder/exports folder is the destination for the Inventory Command, and whenever you save a structure using the Structure Saver without saving to config.



The templates in config/skyblockbuilder/templates are split into 3 subdirectories.

  • islands contains the main islands
  • portals contains all the portals, at the moment only the Custom Nether Entry
  • spreads contains all the files for the spreads


The directory config/skyblockbuilder/data contains a few .txt files containing available dimensions, biomes, whatever the file is called like.