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Version: 1.21.x

Starting Inventory

The settings on this page can be configured in config/skyblockbuilder/starter_inventory.json5.

You can set a starting inventory by customizing the config/skyblockbuilder/starter_inventory.json5 file. These items will be given to the player only when joining a team. If a player already was part of a team and re-joins it, no items will be provided to prevent abusing. You can also assign items to specific slots using the Slot key.

You can export your inventory by using the command /skydev inventory export, which will create a new file in the exports directory containing the current inventory and the corresponding slots. This is the easiest way to do, and the only documented way.

If you have Curios installed, you can add items similarly to how you add them in items, but use the key curios_items instead. Each item in this section must include the Slot key. You can find available slot names by running the /curios list command. If you use the command above, it will obviously be exported as well.

Be careful not to add too many items to a single slot or use an invalid slot name, as this will log an error and notify the player. Always double-check before releasing your pack!


Available values for the vanilla slots are:

  • mainhand (default)
  • offhand
  • head
  • chest
  • legs
  • feet

A sample configuration file might look like this:

"items": [
"Slot": "mainhand",
"Item": {
"id": "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe",
"count": 1,
"components": {
"minecraft:unbreakable": {},
"minecraft:enchantments": {
"levels": {
"minecraft:efficiency": 5
"Slot": "offhand",
"Item": {
"id": "minecraft:bread",
"count": 32
"curios_items": [
"Slot": "charged_charm",
"Item": {
"id": "chargedcharms:charged_glowup_charm",
"count": 1
"Slot": "charged_charm",
"Item": {
"id": "chargedcharms:charged_speed_charm",
"count": 1