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Version: 1.21.x


The settings on this page can be configured in config/skyblockbuilder/spawn.json5.

Spawn Protection Radius​

This sets the radius around the spawn which should be protected and only op players can interact with. This prevents (tool) interactions, mob griefing, explosions, breaking blocks, farmland trampling, growing crops, and attacking. Additionally, the player will always have max health, max food level, can't drown, and can't be set on fire. This is default set to 0, so nothing is protected. Look at the image here to see more options:

Spawn Protection Radius

Spawn Protection Events​

A list of event types which will be prevented.

interact_entitiesInteracting with entities, e.g. riding a pig
interact_blocksInteracting with blocks, e.g. activating buttons, placing, or destroying blocks
mob_griefingMobs destroying the world
explosionsTNT, creeper, or other explosions
crop_growCrops increasing their growth status
apply_bonemealApplying bone meal to plants
mobs_spawnMobs spawning
mobs_spawn_eggMobs being summoned using a spawn egg
damageAttacking others, or getting attacked
healingGetting healed and saturated on spawn

Spawn Protection Filters​

Spawn protection includes three filters that let you control which entities, blocks, or items can be interacted with. By default, these filters are pre-filled with the most common gravestone mods. To learn more about how to use them, read about resource lists in the Common Config Types.


Defines the dimension where you will spawn, and the island will be generated.
You can pick any dimension listed in the config/skyblockbuilder/data/dimensions.txt file.


The dimensions.txt file is only created after you join a Skyblock world.

Skip Center Island Creation​

Determines whether the first island is generated at the center coordinates 0 ~ 0 or starts with the next available position.

This setting is useful when using dimensions like the End for spawns.



You can set the spawn height using a range from minY (minimum height) to maxY (maximum height):

  • minY: The lowest possible spawn position.
  • maxY: The highest possible spawn position.

If you're using a fixed spawn height (see Type below), only the minY value is used. In all other cases, the spawn height will be calculated dynamically.


Defines how the spawn height is determined. Choose one of the following options:

setSpawns at a fixed height. Uses the minY value from the Range as the spawn height. The maxY value is ignored.
range_topChecks for a valid spawn position starting from maxY and moving downwards to minY. If none is found, spawns at maxY.
range_bottomSimilar to range_top, but starts at minY and moves upwards to maxY. If no valid spot is found, spawns at minY.

Valid Spawns​

A valid spawn location has two empty air blocks above a solid block.
The solid block can be a normal block, a slab, or any block included in the valid spawn block tag #skyblockbuilder:additional_valid_spawns.


When using a range type spawn, an offset can slightly adjust the spawn height:

  • Positive values move the spawn position up.
  • Negative values move it down.

Radius to Find Valid Spawn​

Specifies the radius within which to find a valid spawn point if the original spawn point is invalid.

Minimum: 0