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Version: 1.21.x


The settings on this page can be configured in config/skyblockbuilder/structures.json5.

Structures to Generate​

This section provides a list of all structures that should be generated. The complete list of possible structures can be found in config/skyblockbuilder/data/structures.txt. Some structures in the Nether are generated by default, but you can disable this if desired. In the Overworld, the stronghold is the only structure generated by default.

To learn more about how to use them, read about resource lists in the Common Config Types.

Features to Generate​

This section provides a list of all features that should be generated. The complete list of possible features can be found in config/skyblockbuilder/data/features.txt. As described in the Minecraft Wiki, features require specific conditions to generate properly, which can be achieved using the surface.


The two default values are required for generating the obsidian towers in the End. If these values are missing, the towers will only be generated when the dragon respawns.

To learn more about how to use them, read about resource lists in the Common Config Types.